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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dance by the Sea

She walked slowly over the plant covered dunes. The waxy plants crept like vines across the sand. She could hear the waves creeping up the shore then softly whispering back into the sea. The full moon hung in the sky like a chandelier, softly bathing the landscape in pale light. A few clouds hung in the sky, thinly veiling the stars. She descended a dune and felt the sand begin to dampen beneath her bare feet. She stopped just short of the line the waves made in the sand. A cool breeze from the sea, filled with salty freshness, brushed the hair from her face and fluttered her white muslin dress. She took a deep breath and stretched her arms toward the heavens. She closed her eyes and allowed the serenity to soak into her.

The waves created a rhythm and nearby salt grasses allowed the breeze to create an accompaniment. She softly swayed her body to the music of the seashore. A smile spread across her face and you could have seen joy light up her eyes if they were open. Alone with God and His creation, she danced. Her movements ebbed and flowed with the waves, rose and fell with the wind. Her feet made small impressions in the sand as she leaped. Her arms seemed to encircle the moon and sweep up the clouds. Her body formed graceful lines as she danced from the depths of her soul. This was the only time she let down all of her walls and abandoned all rules and boundaries. When she was alone before God and dancing with Jesus. She had the heart of a child once again - expressing pure joy and allowing emotion to flow out of her. Finally, she collapsed on the sand, spend but at peace. "I love you" she whispered. There was a smile on her lips as a single tear traced down her cheek.

Copyright Alyson Mecham 2012

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