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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Be kind.
Encourage others.
Be humble.
Be polite.
Fight for others.
Be slow to anger.
Think pure.
Expect the best.
Look for the good.
Cherish truth.
Bear all things.
Endure all things.

©Alyson Mecham 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Humility. It is the trait the Bible praises. God says He will bless the humble and they will find favor with Him. Those who are exemplary disciples of Christ are marked by a life of humility. Yet, in most cases, it is the most unpleasant of character lessons to learn. Humans are innately stubborn beings, so we often have to be humiliated in order to learn humility. This is a less than appealing thought to me.

Humility. My Bible study brought up this word and I cringed. Humility is a dangerous thing to pray for. This is the first thought which springs to mind. The concept of being a humble person is appealing but thinking of what it will actually take to be a humble person causes me to quiver.

“This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:22).

Beth Moore followed the verse with this: “Father, I can hardly imagine being someone You esteem, but I sincerely want to be! Make me that kind of person, Lord, through the power of Your Holy Spirit.” Yes! I wholeheartedly agree…but how do I go about making it a reality in my life?

Humility. Yes, I will take a deep breath. Here it goes, I plunge into a scary realm. “Make me a humble and gentle woman. Reveal to me areas of pride in my life. Give me eyes to see pride in the same way that You do. I don’t want to tolerate it anymore or allow it to grow or be encouraged in my heart. Show me practical ways to root it out.”

Prayer and humility are directly related.

Prayer = Humility. Lack of prayer = Lack of humility. Ouch. Is this one of my own thoughts or does the Bible support it? I believe it is biblical. So I begin looking at a few of the great men in the Bible.

Moses. Exodus 32 and Numbers 14 he intercedes for the children of Israel. “So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11a). All of these times, the Lord listened and responded. Moses had a healthy and thriving prayer life. “Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3). Many people mock this verse and say it doesn’t carry much weight since Moses was the one to write it, The entire Bible is true and God wouldn’t have allowed it to be in there if it wasn’t true; Moses had a vibrant prayer life and he possessed the character trait of humility.

David. He recognized that it wasn’t by his own might that he would defeat Goliath (1 Samuel 17:37). Up to this point in the story, it doesn’t say directly that David spent time in prayer, but this level of trust in God would only come from someone who spent time with Him. Later in David’s life, he neglected to seek God, he began to lack humility (2 Samuel 24).

Lastly, for this short study, Jesus. His prayer life was regular and strong (John 17). He was humble (Matthew 11:29). There is definitely a direct relationship between prayer and humility.

Now comes the uncomfortable part of applying all of this to my life. If I find myself struggling with pride, one of the first things I should look at is the health of my prayer life. If my prayer life is meager and starving, my humility is going to be in short supply. Instead of desperately pleading for the Lord to make me humble, I need to obey Him in His call to prayer. As I pray, I put myself in the place I was meant to be in – dependent on God for my needs and the needs of others and recognizing how mighty He is. When I am in that place, how can I help but humble myself before Him?

©Alyson Mecham 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

His Grace Is Sufficient

The cold creeps around, crawling
on my skin.
Darkness presses down, a weight
on my shoulders.
Loneliness settles in, preying
on my mind.

In my soul,
I weep amidst the silence.
In my heart,
I search through the solitude.
In my mind,
I question as a result of pain.

Who is for me?
My ears fill with the sound of His voice-
My mouth utters my response-
You are worthy.

What is happening?
My will.
Your will be done.

When will I find relief?
In My time.
I wait for the Lord.

Why do I have to go through this?
My glory.
All to the glory of God.

How can I make it through?
My grace.
Your grace is sufficient for me, for power is perfected in weakness.

In my soul,
I rejoice in His strength.
In my heart,
I find His presence.
In my mind,
I trust His plan.

His love washes over me, tingling
on my skin.
His light illuminates within me, lightening the burden
on my shoulders.
His comfort relaxes me, coming to rest
on my mind.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Joy Because of Weakness

I never thought I would genuinely praise God for weakness. I have praised Him in the midst of weakness before, a necessary practice make it through the difficult times. But, for the first time I am rejoicing in the weakness itself. That God would count me worthy to be weak so that His strength may be shown. What an immense privilege. The realization of this precious opportunity brings tears to my eyes.

“…God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 1: 27b-31 (ESV)

Those who follow Jesus are the only ones who can have pure, true joy regardless of the circumstance one is in because eternal redemption and relationship with the God of the universe has already been obtained. So, of what consequence are the things of this earth? Is weakness comfortable or the most enjoyable experience a human can walk through? Most definitely not. But despite the discomfort and pain, there is the unquenchable joy of being used by the Creator to be an example to those He is seeking after. I can boast in my God who wants to use me when I am weak and broken. The world discards those who are weak, poor, broken, and imperfect. They are cast aside, ignored and deemed as unworthy of time, attention, and resources. But, God chooses those. He doesn’t settle for the weak ones or use the poor because they are all He has to choose from. He chooses them intentionally. Oh what a humbling revelation! I am flawed and the King of kings wants to use me to accomplish His purposes and bring Him glory. That knowledge causes joy to explode from my heart and a song of praise to ascend to His inclined ear.

            If you are weak. If you are broken. If you are imperfect. If you are despised by the people of this world. God has chosen you. Will you allow Him to use you, even if it means He won’t fix the way you think you need fixing? I never understood this and I am only just beginning to, but if God uses the weak to bring Him glory, then I am more than okay with not being made strong. I want to remain in the state that God can use me most, whatever that may be, that I may not be a manifestation of human pride before God, but I might boast in the Lord.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


laughing preciously
toddling happily
loving innocently
enjoying easily
emoting honestly
living spontaneously
this is the life of a child

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dance by the Sea

She walked slowly over the plant covered dunes. The waxy plants crept like vines across the sand. She could hear the waves creeping up the shore then softly whispering back into the sea. The full moon hung in the sky like a chandelier, softly bathing the landscape in pale light. A few clouds hung in the sky, thinly veiling the stars. She descended a dune and felt the sand begin to dampen beneath her bare feet. She stopped just short of the line the waves made in the sand. A cool breeze from the sea, filled with salty freshness, brushed the hair from her face and fluttered her white muslin dress. She took a deep breath and stretched her arms toward the heavens. She closed her eyes and allowed the serenity to soak into her.

The waves created a rhythm and nearby salt grasses allowed the breeze to create an accompaniment. She softly swayed her body to the music of the seashore. A smile spread across her face and you could have seen joy light up her eyes if they were open. Alone with God and His creation, she danced. Her movements ebbed and flowed with the waves, rose and fell with the wind. Her feet made small impressions in the sand as she leaped. Her arms seemed to encircle the moon and sweep up the clouds. Her body formed graceful lines as she danced from the depths of her soul. This was the only time she let down all of her walls and abandoned all rules and boundaries. When she was alone before God and dancing with Jesus. She had the heart of a child once again - expressing pure joy and allowing emotion to flow out of her. Finally, she collapsed on the sand, spend but at peace. "I love you" she whispered. There was a smile on her lips as a single tear traced down her cheek.

Copyright Alyson Mecham 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Snowy Sunset

Stillness blankets the scene
Filling my eyes
Cold screams from every razor edge
Glaring at the world
As the chill numbs body
Monotony dulls mind
Winter clutches at the soul

A whisper of color emerges
My eyes gulp in warmth
Whitewashed hills soften with a rosy hue
Glow transforms the gloom
Tugging your gaze upwards
A symphony melts into snow
Light rouses hope at the core